
Sun, Jun


Hungarian football club, Ferencvarosi Torna, has taken charge of organising the departure of former national youth defender Akeem Adams’ body, out of Hungary en route to Trinidad, for his final goodbye.

Speaking to Ivan Dick, uncle of the deceased yesterday, he revealed that Adams’ mother, Ancilla Dick, is too devastated with her loss to undergo these arrangements. And the club has stepped in to aid in the proceedings to organise the proper transportation documents and other certificates for the transfer of Adams’ body.

Akeem’s uncle explained, “The latest news at this time is that we are in the process of trying to arrange the approval to get Akeem’s body out of Hungary.

In order to do that, we first have to get an acceptance letter from the funeral home here and from the High Commission in London, so that they can accept the body when it reaches England (before coming to Trinidad).”

“Ancilla is really in a serious state. It’s very difficult for her and stressful with the last few days. It’s a big burden and she just wants to get out of there (Hungary) and come home. Her bereavement is one part of it and all the procedures to get the body out is also taking a heavy toll on her. Probably two days after or so when she returns, there should be the burial,” Dick added.

He noted that only yesterday the club was able to begin the paper work to handle the body’s transit.

“She and the club began to get some of these things done today (yesterday). We are hoping with the assistance of the relevant government authorities in Hungary, England and Trinidad and Tobago, that the process would not take too long. As for now, tentatively we are expecting his body back home by next week. A precise date is still uncertain at this point and it’s difficult to anticipate how long,” he continued.

Dick also confirmed that once this lengthy process is completed abroad, Ancilla would give them the go-ahead to finalise arrangements in Trinidad. He estimated this procedure to hopefully conclude by Monday. “Once the procedure is completed up there, the funeral home in Hungary will do whatever embalming and so on and supply the necessary certificates in order to ship his body out. And when he gets to Trinidad, there will be a lot of certificates and documents that must be approved first before any other plans are made for funeral,” said Dick. Adams’ uncle also revealed that their home in Salazar Trace, Point Fortin, is still in a sombre mood. While the entire family awaits his unexpected arrival next week, they intend to just stay calm until all protocols have been completed.

“The club may be paying for the transport but this as well is not confirmed as yet. In the meantime, we here (in TT) are going to put things in place so that when she (Ancilla) comes, it would be smooth flow of all operations. Sadly, we just have to accept this,” Dick concluded.