
Sun, Jun


VALENCIA Government are 2013 Atlantic LNG Primary school Football league, North Eastern District Champions.

They beat Atlantic LNG four times champion, neighbouring school Valencia South Government 3-2 to emerge winner of the division.

The finals between Valencia Government and Valencia South Government was played at Manzanilla Recreation Grounds on Friday in the presence of a large crowd.

The teams were tied at 2-2 and moments before the stroke of regulation time Kegan Faria, captain of Valencia Government scored the final goal to put his team in a winning position in the game. Four time champions Valencia South remained in shock as they were very confident that they will be winner for a fifth consecutive time. Faria’s goal was a shocker to them.

Ten-year-old Ameil Weeks, who plays in both the under 11 and u- 15 team divisions, has scored a total of 16 goals in the tournament to date and was voted the Most Valuable Player in the four out of seven games he played.

Valencia Government now looks forward to meeting champions of Caroni Division which will be played, at Skinner Park, San Fernando on November 7. Weeks said his team is in good spirit and will be motivated to win the Caroni Educational Division.