
Sat, Jun

Super League opening match called off.

The first game of the new T&T Su­per League failed to kick off on Sat­ur­day af­ter­noon at the Ari­ma Velo­drome, Ari­ma be­tween FC San­ta Rosa and RSSR FC. Guardian Me­dia Sports un­der­stands the RSSR play­ers showed up to the game with­out iden­ti­fi­ca­tion cards, which are re­quired to be pre­sent­ed to the match com­mis­sion­er be­fore kick­off.

The match was aban­doned by the com­mis­sion­er and the ref­er­ees. Bran­don Greene, the match com­mis­sion­er has since sub­mit­ted a re­port to the com­pe­ti­tions man­ag­er, Richard Piper, and it is now be­fore him. It re­mains un­clear whether FC San­ta Rosa has got­ten the full three points for the aban­don­ment.

Al­so kick­ing off its sea­son last night were the Uni­ver­si­ty of Trinidad and To­ba­go (UTT), which host­ed Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed and Queen’s Park Crick­et Club (QPCC), which vis­it­ed Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed F.C. Both those match­es had 7 pm kick­offs.

The league’s start came just af­ter a month of re­ports sur­fac­ing it faced an un­cer­tain fu­ture. While there will al­so be three match­es to­day, the 2019 edi­tion of the tour­na­ment will run from this week­end through to De­cem­ber 15 with 13 teams com­pet­ing across the same num­ber of match days. Last sea­son’s fourth-placed team Cunu­pia FC looks set to com­pete in the up­com­ing As­cen­sion Pre­mier League, which will be the top flight of lo­cal foot­ball.

Pres­i­dent of the T&T Su­per League (TTSL) Kei­th Look Loy re­act­ed to the start of the new sea­son yes­ter­day, say­ing there was an at­tempt to un­der­mine the TTSL. He told Guardian Me­dia Sports, “John-Williams and his peo­ple came up with a TT Pro League and in­vit­ed our clubs to play. As far as we in the Su­per League are con­cerned, this was a bla­tant at­tempt to en­tice our mem­bers away from our league and to un­der­mine the Su­per League, and our mem­bers stood firm.”

Look Loy said the league had to ramp up its op­er­a­tions quick­ly be­cause a month ago they were talk­ing about the T-League.

But if last sea­son’s com­pe­ti­tion was any­thing to go by, the Su­per League had an en­thralling end in 2018. FC San­ta Rosa mere­ly nicked QPCC by one point af­ter 26 match­es and both teams locked on the same goal dif­fer­ence.

The league will con­tin­ue in­to this week­end with match­es on Fri­day, Sat­ur­day and Sun­day.

To­day’s match­es

Met­al X Erin F.C. vs Club San­do Up­rais­ing Youths - Erin Recre­ation Ground - 6:30pm

San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants vs Po­lice F.C. - MRS, Train­ing Field - 3:30pm

Pris­ons Ser­vice F.C. vs Bethel Unit­ed F.C. - Y.T.C., Arou­ca - 4pm