
Sat, Jun


He jumped on a plane several times over the past couple years in hoping to secure an overseas contract but Shahdon Winchester remains a W Connection player.

The 20-year-old striker who scored in the dying stages versus Panama at the Home Depot Center on Sunday still has hopes of playing outside of T&T. He could not help T&T advance in the Olympic qualifiers as they lost 2-0 to Honduras on Tuesday night to exit the qualifiers.

“It’s all been good experiences. I’m at age 20 and even though the right deal hasn’t come through as yet I’m keeping faith and I’ll continue working to try and get a good deal outside there,” Winchester said. “I’m enjoying my football and I want to seize the right opportunity.

I’m aiming for the sky and they say you leave footprints on the moon so I’m definitely going to keep striving for better things,” added the Princes Town resident and ex-Naparima College player.

“I still have to keep working hard and as a team we have to do more in training to better our game. Hopefully we can all take the positives from this experience and work on the negative aspect of our game based on what happened in these qualifiers.”