
Sat, Jun

FROM LEFT: Kenwyne Jones, Russell Latapy, Lincoln Phillips, Richard ThompsonFalkirk could be without veteran midfielder Russell Latapy's services for up to nine months. The Trinidad and Tobago FA are keen for the 40-year-old to be released for their entire World Cup qualifying campaign next year.
Jack Warner, FIFA vice-president and special adviser to the Trinidad and Tobago FA, said: "We need him to be around the team a lot more and therefore the TTFF have decided to seek his services for the entire period.

"He will be the assistant coach and will also be part of coach Francisco Maturana's plans as a player."

The Bairns' managing director George Craig insists the development is news to him though, saying: "There have been no talks or communication from the Trinidad and Tobago FA or Jack Warner.

"As to what the club's response would be if they were to make such a request, I'd need to take guidance from the manager and the player, who is very much part of the community in Falkirk with his family.

"It would be a football decision in conjunction with Russell. There is an excellent relationship between him and the manager and we would be guided by Russell's personal wishes."