
Sun, Jun

Russell Latapy

Caley Thistle assistant manager Russell Latapy is poised to leave the Highlanders.

Manager John Hughes remained silent on Latapy’s destination, but confirmed the former Trinidad and Tobago manager is keen to take charge of his own club.

Latapy missed Inverness’ 2-1 friendly win against Deveronvale at Princess Royal Park last night, with Brian Rice, who was Hughes’ assistant at Falkirk and Hibernian, watching on from the stands.

Hughes would be keen to team up again with Rice should Latapy depart, but claimed: “It’s miles away. Russell has hinted he wants to be his own man and pursue something new.

“I understand that and he would go with our best wishes. There’s something happening for him, but there’s nothing concrete.

“That’s all I can say on it at the moment.

“I’ve always been mates with Brian. It just so happens Brian is over visiting me, and people have put two and two together. If Russell did go and Brian fancied it, it would be something we would certainly look at.

“I asked Brian to come up and oversee things and cast an eye over things, that’s why he’s up here, I don’t know how things will materialise.”

Inverness once again fielded trialists J J Hooper and Jordan Roberts, who has agreed terms with the Highlanders but is awaiting clearance from the SFA before his move can be completed.

Hughes drafted in a third trialist, former Plymouth Argyle midfielder Oliver Norburn, who lasted 45 minutes before being replaced by Liam Polworth after suffering an ankle injury.

The Caley Jags manager is keen to assess 22-year-old Norburn again in Tuesday night’s match against Forres.