
Sun, Jun

TTFA: Latapy paid portion of debt owed.

A recent payment has been made on the outstanding debt to Russell Latapy. The Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) owes money to the outstanding former national midfielder for coaching services, when he assumed the position of Trinidad and Tobago’s senior national coach between 2009-2011.

Latapy was hired by Jack Warner, the former FIFA vice-president and CONCACAF president. 

The TTFA’s debt to Latapy is a carry-over from its previous administration, in which former Government minister Warner assumed the role of special adviser and TTFF man-in-charge. Warner was also local football’s main financier, special adviser to the (Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation) TTFF, and chairman of local organising committee of the 2006 World Cup campaign. 

Latapy had initially threatened legal action before agreeing a payment scheme with the cash-strapped TTFA. A payment was due this month. “We were able to make a payment to Russell,” TTFA general secretary Sheldon Phillips confirmed. 

“Despite our circumstance, we have been able to make this payment to Russell, and we intend to address (the remaining arrears). We have financial limitations, but we made a commitment, so we are doing our very best to meet that commitment.” 

While reluctant to discuss figures, Phillips described the debt to Latapy as substantial and the process as ongoing between the TTFA and his management. 

“It is a substantial debt. This is a debt that was accumulated before this administration came on board and was something that was created in the last administration,” Phillips emphasized. “But, we felt it was important to address it in the best manner in which we could.” Efforts to contact Latapy’s local management proved futile.