
Sat, Jun
17 New Articles

Jason, Nicole and VassiliAt the recently concluded Soca Warriors Supporters Club regional elections, three bright prospects were elected to the North East USA Regional Committee. They are Jason Francis, Nicole Smart and Vassili Ossipov. In the short time since being elected, these three members have been actively meeting and planning for this region’s second annual 5-a-side tournament and Family Day (date and location to be announced soon). In following up with the massively successful UK regional tournament this past June, the North East USA Committee promises that this tournament will be even more successful. It is also the Committee’s hope that this event and other future endeavors will be used as a benchmark to boost the overall productivity of the Club. Take a minute to read about the officers of the SWSC North East USA Committee-

Jason FrancisJASON FRANCIS: Regional Head
Jason is a born football fanatic whose life basically rotates around the ball. Originally from Chaguanas, but now based in the Bronx, he has received numerous athletic awards and scholarships for his skills and he has been a starting player on all of his teams, including CUNY and Concordia College. He also has coaching experience. Natural passion for football along with his strong patriotism and a degree in Business Administration make Jason an important part of the Soca Warrior Supporters Club committee in the North East USA region.

Vassili OssipovVASSILI OSSIPOV: Public Relations Officer
Vassili is one of the most diverse Soca Warriors supporters in the Club. Now living in Brooklyn, but born and raised in Russia where he made his first steps in professional football, Vassili brought his passion for sports with him when he moved to the United States to become a journalist covering most sporting events in New York (boxing, tennis, NBA. NHL). He is an avid Soca Warriors supporter with the desire to contribute to the growth and development of Trinidad and Tobago football. And with a degree in Business Administration, vast experience and true passion for football Vassili is ready to take this challenge.

Nicole SmartNICOLE SMART: Secretary and Event Coordinator
Currently residing in Brooklyn, Nicole can be described as a new breed of Soca Warriors supporter. Always being involved in the educational and career aspects of life, she became interested in sports after capitalizing on the opportunity to work for the National Football League (NFL). American football though didn’t attract her attention as much as basketball and especially soccer. It wasn’t long after that this Port-of-Spain native decided not only to follow the exploits of the Soca Warriors, but also ventured further by lending her expertise to the Soca Warriors Supporters Club. With her vast career experience at reputable companies such as Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, along with a superb education from New York University, Nicole is sure to help in bringing the Club to a whole new level.