
Sun, Jun

Keiron Edwards, president of the Eastern Football Association (EFA)

A letter, on behalf of seven suspended clubs in the T&T Super League (TTSL), will be sent to the League's executive soon, challenging the decisions made at last Sunday's annual general meeting (AGM) and election of officers to keep them suspended for differing reasons.

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Morris targets June kick-off for Super League.

Providing his executive is given the all-clear by the Ministry of Health concerning health protocols being implemented and adhere too, Clayton Morris, the recently elected T&T Super League (T&TSL) president is targeting a June 2021 start.

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Rigues calls on Hadad to investigate 7 clubs suspension.

Five days after former “Strike Squad” captain Clayton “JB” Morris was elected the new president of the T&T Super League (TTSL), defeating Jameson Rigues for the post on December 5 at a reconvened annual general meeting (AGM), Rigues has penned a letter of protest to the Robert Hadad, the chairman of the TTFA normalisation committee.

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TTSL Secretary, Peter Thomas

Interim president of the T&T Super League (TTSL), Jameson Rigues, has called a virtual Emergency General Meeting with three items on the agenda, starting at 10 am on Saturday, a day before the Board’s scheduled resumption of its annual general meeting (AGM) virtually after, according to a release signed by league secretary Peter Thomas, the meeting was illegally aborted by Rigues on Sunday.

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